After a lengthy sabatical, he sits in front of his computer, fingers ready at the keyboard. So much to much to write. Topics race wildly through his mind, each fighting for the right to take their rightful place on the field of honor...the blog. Many will read the entries. Some will cry. Some will laugh. But one thing is certain...he must write, because he is...the Media Pastor.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Buick That Runs on Milk?

I just read a story (click here) that says milk could soar to $5 per gallon by the end of the year, well over the cost of a gallon of gas. This bit of news seems to be throwing panick into dairy lovers of all ages and backgrounds. I'm here to say...who cares?!?
Let me explain.
Gas has so many benefits. It powers our cars, let's us keep our grass in line (lawnmowers...keep it clean), helps us to create more and more motor scooter jokes, cleans anything off of anything (according to my dad), helps the charcoal get nice and hot really fast (again, according to my dad), let's us vacation on the mighty seas on luxurious cruises, and keeps about 4 billion people around the world employed searching for, creating, selling and cleaning up gas. The only downside? Maybe...and it's still controversial...maybe causes a small amount of greenhouse gases. Big Deal. So we have palm trees in Louisville.
Now, milk. What does it do? You can dunk cookies, and drown cereal. Big deal...I've been eating my cereal straight from the box, dry, for 30 years! Downsides? Lactose intolerance, and you have to drink somethink that comes from a freaky part of the cow. What were they thinkin'?
Personally $10 bucks a gallon for milk wouldn't bother me. Frankly, I wouldn't spend the $2.92per gallon of gas to go buy milk.
I say "Go Gas! No Milk!"
Compelling, aint it?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Old...So Old.

41 is blowin' by, and 42 is coming on strong.

Age never seemed to bother me much, until the past 6 months or so. I've never been in great shape, and my body never used to hurt like it does now. I used to have to put on ointments to soothe muscle pain after playing basketball, or working hard in the yard all day. Now, I need ointments to just roll out of bed!

For some reason, I'm starting to feel like there's more life behind me than in front of me. I start to wonder if I'm on the right path. If I'm doing what I'm meant to do. This may sound defeatist. As my High School football coach, Mr. Spoerl, would have said," Whigham, you're a get out there and play ball!"

But something cool popped up on the news today. Today, for the first time in MLB (Major League Baseball) history, 7 men who are in there 40's will start in games. Wow! Guys my age, pushin' off the mound...throwin' curve balls...striking out batters...winning games...making milions...millions...millions...

Somehow, now I feel worse!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Favorite Pastime Pt.2

After tonite's LifePointe night at Slugger Field, I must say one thing...this church rocks! The fellowship, the genuine interest in each other, the ease with which everyone makes people feel at amazes me every day!

Oh yeah...and Jamey throwin' one down the middle. That rocks, too!

Favorite Pastime

It's about 2 hours before LifePointe's night at the Louisville Bats game, and it's got me thinkin': what ever happened to baseball being America's favorite Pastime? I mean, we still love Mom and Apple Pie, so what about baseball?

It seems like anymore, the hype is all about the NFL and NBA. They hit harder, they move faster. The kids seem to be hypnotized by the stupid-huge contracts, and the endorsement deals.

I remember, as a kid, every summer day all the kids on our block went to Belmont Park and played baseball. And we played hard. We dove, we bunted, we ran out every ground ball. The pitched were fast, and curves and sliders were more than frequent. And it was everyday.

I remember going to Reds games with my dad. Several every year. And in the early 70's, Riverfront was almost always at capacity.

What has happened since then? What's different? I believe some of the problem is media...they love the faster games. But I also believe that some dads may not be sharing this pastime with their boys anymore. As with most traditions, the dad tends to be the initiator.

Whatever the reason, I still love the game. The smell of the grass. The way a hot dog always tastes better at the stadium. The roar of the crowd as a deep flyball almost makes it to the wall. And the little kids that bring their gloves to the game in hopes of catching a foul ball.

I still love the game.

Play Ball!

Monday, June 25, 2007

LifePointe Rocks and Broken Dreams

Sunday night, I saw the coolest thing since moving to River City...the LifePointe Church Band rockin' out at the Hard Rock cafe.

How cool was it to see the guys who lead us in worship every Sunday leading a bar the same way?! And not only did we pack it in (if there was less than 60 LP people there, I would be shocked), but I noticed that regular patrons at the bar were getting into it. This is what it's about...spreading the word anyway we can!

Now, that leads me to my main pointe (get it? pointe!) It falls under the category of broken dreams. Ever since I was in 4th grade, I wanted to "rock out". I took lessons, I played at school talent shows. I tried to impress the ladies...and by ladies, I mean any 10 year old girl that would listen to my guitar stylings. Much to my distress, however, I never put it over the top with the guitar. Maybe I gave up to easy. Maybe I never tried hard enough. Perhaps my fingers were too fat. Whatever the reason, I knew I would never be Eddie Van Halen.

Over the years, I brought the guitar out of storage for brief boughts of pain and aggrevation....mostly disappointment. And, it quickly went back into storage. Last Christmas, my bride bought me a Playstation 2 with Guitar Hero. It was like reliving my own Vietnam...the characters on the screen boo-ing me as I fumbled through the music which was careening past the screen.

But it's different! Thanks to last night's performance, I have been inspired! I will get my guitar out of storage, I will practice every day, I will "rock out"....well, not today, though. I have a lot to do. Maybe tomorrow. Next week at the latest. But Rock I shall!

Watch out, Eddie Van comes Chris Whigham!