After a lengthy sabatical, he sits in front of his computer, fingers ready at the keyboard. So much to much to write. Topics race wildly through his mind, each fighting for the right to take their rightful place on the field of honor...the blog. Many will read the entries. Some will cry. Some will laugh. But one thing is certain...he must write, because he is...the Media Pastor.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Louisville Immigration Policy

The #1, huge topic in the nation right now is the debate on immigration. It is dividing political parties, families, and in some way, the nation. Every politician has their own opinion on how to fix the problem of millions of illegal aliens crossing the border: more border patrol, a 700 mile fence, stricter laws. They all have decent ideas, but none have the perfect solution. I have to inform all of you, and all of the D.C. politicians right now that I, Chris Whigham, have found the solution which will keep the influx of illegals from streaming into our nation: Simply move the
I-65 bridge from Louisville to the Rio Grande.

Seriously. Earlier today, at 2pm (which, I will add is not a rush hour in the traditional sense), it took me 45 minutes to drive over that bridge! And to make it worse, it was one of those jams where, when you finally got to "ground zero", there was absolutely no reason for the jam! For my readers who do not live here in "Kentuckiana", this bridge (named the JFK...very original), is about 1/4 mile long.

And this was all made worse but the unfortunate fact that I had just come from a Mexican lunch...both ironic and painful (if you know what I mean). As tears were coming to my eyes, and the 109 mile per hour traffic kept whipping by me in the left lane preventing me from switching over, I realized I was trapped in some type of twilight zone scenario. One which an illegal alien couldn't even escape.

So, look, in the near future, for my new website:

Everyone has to have a cause. This might as well be mine.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Man Flicks

Gotta tell ya...I love a good action flick. I'm not talkin about a drama with a car chase. I'm talkin' about an old fashioned, knock down-drag out, car-flipping, guns blazing, chicks screaming, terrorists plotting, evil doing, good guy triumphing, blood pumping, adrenaline flowing, huge explosions happenin' man-flick. That's what I'm talking about.

Chick flicks are fine. But they have a time and a place. Dates, for instance. And...well, that's about it. But a man-flick...that's good for any occasion.

And what makes a good man-flick? In my humble opinion, it must have these 3 ingredients:

1) There must be a man who has been wronged, and will stop at nothing to correct it.
2) There must be an explosion or gunshot every 5 minutes
3) There must be a reasonable fear that if you go to the restroom, you will miss something big.

These are optional elements:

1) A love interest (but she must have limited lines) (Shannons gonna punch me)
2) Car Chase (these can be cool, but after so many chases over the years, is there a "fresh" one?
3) A dog. ( I like a hero that has a cool dog)

These are never good elements for a great action flick:

1) A love interest that talks too much (Shannon's gonna punch me...hard)
2) Main characters played by ex-NFL players (almost always a bad move)
3) German bad guys (way overdone. Besides, they've had enough of a bad rap already)

Those are my rules. Simple. Complete.

So, I suggest you take the one you love, kiss her gently, put her in the car, and drive her to the movie theater to see a bunch of bad guys get blowed up really good!