After a lengthy sabatical, he sits in front of his computer, fingers ready at the keyboard. So much to much to write. Topics race wildly through his mind, each fighting for the right to take their rightful place on the field of honor...the blog. Many will read the entries. Some will cry. Some will laugh. But one thing is certain...he must write, because he is...the Media Pastor.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Just preparing for the visual side of ross' message on forgiveness. Once again, I slip gently into a reflective mood...

It aint easy to forgive...ironically ( a reference to last week's message), it's easier to hold a grudge. But I'm gonna jump the gun on Sunday, and start for givin now. Here is my list of people I want to forgive...

-NBC, for cancelling Star Trek in 1969.
-Dad, for making me tell my high school Coach I wanted in...not something coaches want to hear in the middle of a game.
-Denny's, for doing away with free birthday dinners.
-JK Rowling, for turning my wife into an even more obsessive reader.
-Jamey, for making me read books that don't include the phrases "Beam me up,", or 'Good grief, Charlie Brown."
-Bill Clinton, for...well, you know! Someone's got to forgive him!
-Jerry, my dog, for eating a turkey sandwich I made (I've been holding that grudge for 4 years).

You know, this list just goes on and on. Let's just say, if you're reading this and you "jacked" me up in some way...I forgive you!

Except, I may take that NBC one still hurts.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What Is This World Coming To?

You know...

I can take increased gas prices. The ever widening gap between political parties is something i can live with. Almost every sports team I follow stinks to the highest reaches of heaven (pardon the expression), and I'm okay with that.

But now, it's gone too far.

I just read this headline:FDA: Castleberry's, Austex and Kroger Brands Chili Sauces Linked to Paralyzing Botulism.

Now they've screwed with something I love...the delicious canned chili sauces I use to cover a naked, vulnerable hot dog. First it was saccharin causes cancer, now this! Must everything I love try to kill me? I mean, if it was a virus that would just give me the flu, I could handle that. Or one that produced a nervous twitch, yes. But paralyzing botulism?

Well, now wait a paralyzing all that bad? And what's a little botulism amongst friends?

Pass the can opener and nuke the dogs...I'm goin' in!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another Life Lesson

Why is it that when something doesn't go your way, people (usually our fathers), tell us that it builds character? Why do all the things that suck build character?

For once, I'd like to win a million dollars, and have my dad come up to me and say, "Way to go, Son. That's gonna build character!" Or have Publishers Clearinghouse knock on my door and say,"Mr. Whigham, we have a check for 100,000 character-building dollars for you!"

I just completed a 4 week script writing contest as some of you know. It was pretty grueling! Alot of late nights, alot of sweating out the final minutes before the weekly finalists were announced. Hard work!And today, the final 5 finalists were announced...I was not one of them.

At the moment of truth, I heard my dad standing over my shoulder saying, "Way to build character, Son!"

Now, it wasn't all bad. It did help me to rekindle a dream, and i did meet some great people during the event (I hope we stay in touch!). But after 41 years, I would like to build character by winning something!

I would like to see if I could keep from becoming a jerk if I won a million bucks. I would like to see if I could handle fame and or fortune. I'd like to see how I could handle a posse, entourage and groupies...

Oh well...right now, I guess, I'm happy to have a posse of wife. By the way...where is she? I haven't seen her for about four weeks?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Apologies, then biz as usual...

I must apologize. It has been over a week since I last made an entry. While some may find that appealing, I find it appalling. I am sorry, and I am now back on schedule.

Alot has happened in the news since my last entry. The steroid related murder suicide of a wrestler and his family. The NCAA smackdown of a major football program (sorry Ross). The 10,000th loss of a MLB team (sorry Ross...again). The DOW hitting 14,000 for the frst time ever (yeah Capitalism!).

All I know is this. During a week that had so much happening, so many different things in the news...a week when I had questions that needed to be answered... I was reminded of something that we all forget on a daily basis: The opportunity to spread the word can be found in the most unlikely places. I won't go into detail...I don't want to embarass the person...but just remember this: When you least expect it, an opportunity will arise to let someone know why they are on this planet, and that they are loved.

To quote Ralph Waldo Emmerson:

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

I know. A little serious for Whigham. Deal with it.