After a lengthy sabatical, he sits in front of his computer, fingers ready at the keyboard. So much to much to write. Topics race wildly through his mind, each fighting for the right to take their rightful place on the field of honor...the blog. Many will read the entries. Some will cry. Some will laugh. But one thing is certain...he must write, because he is...the Media Pastor.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Derby Day Water Handout

Well, today is the day. The biggest day of the year in Louisville...The Kentucky Derby. And we thought it would be cool as a church (Life Pointe) to hand out water to people entering Churchill Downs. And it was...we handed out over 1200 bottles of water, and a lot of breakfast bars.

It was kind of tough, though. I can't believe how many people looked at us like we were trying to sell them something! The old "If it's too good to be true" syndrom.

My favorite moments of the day were at the end when Stephen was giving out his last few cereal bars, and I heard him say "I think they have protein", and "It taste like meat!"

Ahhh, a natural born salesman.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


This week's message at Life Pointe will be on "Priorities." That's cool, except I just don't know where to begin. (That joke will never get old this week!)

It's kind of cool getting a sneak peak at Jamey's message 4 or 5 days before it's delivered because it gives some extra time for self-reflection, which makes for perfect fodder for this blog!

It's at this point of the week that I start thinking of relevant movie clips, audio and slides to throw up on the big screen. This is where my inner battle begins. I know I need to us things that have mass appeal and are contemporary, yet the Dork in me still thinks "Maybe there's a relevant Star Trek scene I could use!" Don't worry...I've know Jamey for 5 years, and he has always shot down my ideas for Bible-Star Trek connections. Although, he seems to be getting closer to letting me translate one of his messages into Klingon!

Anyway, if you're reading this, take a few days before Sunday to reflect on your priorities. And if you're not reading this...well, then you're not reading this!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

What Is A "Media Pastor?"

This is the guy who puts together videos and slides for a service. He also helps out in any aspect of church advertising.

I have the absolute pleasure of being the Media Pastor at Louisville's newest and coolest church...Life Pointe! The music is awesome...local musician Stephen McWhirter is the Worship Leader. Pastor Jamey Johnson is the Senior will never hear a more relevant message! And the twist...we meet in a movie theater! The Stonybrook Cinema DeLux on Hurstbourne. Great seats and a cool atmosphere...every Sunday at 10:15am.

It's amazing to be a part of something so big for God. We've doubled in size in the 4 months we've been open. The whole team is a dream to work with.

Check in frequently as I give a "behind the scenes" look at what goes on in preparing for a service. It may not be sexy, but it's definitely fun and has it's drama!