After a lengthy sabatical, he sits in front of his computer, fingers ready at the keyboard. So much to much to write. Topics race wildly through his mind, each fighting for the right to take their rightful place on the field of honor...the blog. Many will read the entries. Some will cry. Some will laugh. But one thing is certain...he must write, because he is...the Media Pastor.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Midnight...The Night Before "Gameday"

It's Midnight on Saturday, and as usual, insomnia has taken roots in my evening. Maybe it's all of the important stuff that is crammed into my mind: Pay rent tomorrow. Did I use the NLT on Jameys verses, or accidentally slip in a bizarre new version of the Bible, such as the NLKJSGFSV? Can I be cool and relevant at the same time as I flash the slides on the screen during Jamey's message? Will Ross like this Blog?

The real shame is my wife fell asleep 7.3 seconds after her head hit the pillow. How does she do it?

Well, I paused the Tivo during Schwarzenneger's "Eraser" to write this. so lets get going.

Tomorrow marks the first message in the 5-part "Heroes" series, and I am thinking about the Heroes in my life. Can I have more than one? The dictionary defines "hero" as:" a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. " Who in my life falls into that definition? Let me list some possibilities:

Jamey, for leading Lifepointe. My Dad, for taking my crap for 18 years before kicking me out. My wife, for taking my crap for 11 years without kicking me out. Ross, for having the courage to wear shorts in public. All the guys I know who do what it takes to support their families (a serious one). President W., for stickin' to his guns. Captain James T. Kirk, for making the galaxy safe for humanity. And Jerry, my dog, who lets all kinds of strangers pet him on our walks when I know he'd much rather be inside eating a Milkbone and takin' a nap.

As you can see, I have many potential heroes. But, as I close, I know in my heart that there is only one true hero in my life. One man who through decades of good times and bad times was always there for his fans, his loved ones. He never gave up, and was always there for me.

Ronald McDonald. Thanks for the good times.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Somethin' New, Somethin' Borrowed, Somethin' Blue...

Not really. But, notice some of the new additions to this already near-perfect blog: e-Bible, a weekly poll, and other cool links. I am either an incredible innovator, or just incredibly bored.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Politics and Religion

You know the old saying...the two topics you can't talk about in a crowd are religion and politics. Well, today, I want to put an end to that. And I'm proud to say that BLOGGER.COM, the company that hosts this blog, this piece of outstanding American journalism, has the courage to let me speak my religious and political mind. And, I feel that PC America can handle it.

Ready? Here we go!

First, I want to say, I love ***. I try to let *** in every area of my life. In fact, I don't think I could get thru the day if I didn't have *** to lean on. I like to start the day by reading the *****, and then I like to pray to ***. And I feel especially close to *** on sundays at ******. Wow, that felt good!

Now, secondly, I believe the candidate i'm going to vote for in the presidential election is ****. **** is the only one, I believe, that can continue the *** on ******. Also, he will keep the ******* ******** from crossing the border. He is strong, knows where he is going, and will not sell out to special interest groups. **** is definitely my man!

Wow! That was liberating! I'm glad that in this age of political correctness I was able to speak my religious and political mind. Thanks, America! And thanks for not censoring me! We've come a long way, baby!

Monday, May 28, 2007

6 Days of Nothin'

Sorry it's been 6 days without a fresh post. It's amazing how much the final week of the TV season will take out of you!

Actually, spent the past 2 days in Ohio visiting friends and family. Gotta tell ya...It's been 19 months since we moved from Dayton (the "Paris" of the midwest). We moved for a couple of reasons, some personal and some church related (another story for another time). We were like the pioneers of the old west...the two of us, 2 large dogs, a cat and all the possessions we could fit in a 91 Caprice Classic, and headed west to Vegas. I remember that day well. It was cold. Raining. We were broke (not much has changed since then!). And we had so much stuff in the car, I couldn't even see Shannon next to me in the passenger seat (no kidding!). And it felt like a relief to leave a town that wore me down for 39 years, a town with a collapsing economy and seemingly more bad memories than good.

But today, on the ride back from Dayton to Louisville, I realized one thing: I have always been surrounded by great people. Friends, family...everyone! The ways that the lives of these people, that I have known for 10, 20 and 30 years plus, are unfolding are incredible! And I love listening and watching every minute of it. It is amazing how a 2 1/2 hour drive can be so refreshing, relaxing and affirming. To me, a valuable's not the place, but the people. Louisville's also a great place, but the people we are meeting are even greater. I have always had the itch to become a writer, but I could only dream of writing the stuff I see in front of me!

The Biography channel has a motto: "Every life has a story." Well, I am thankful for the stories I have learned up until now, and I can't wait for the stories I'm about to learn.

I realize this posting is a little more self-indulgent than usual, but in the words of my beautiful wife Shannon: "Deal with it!"