Confessions of A Media Pastor

After a lengthy sabatical, he sits in front of his computer, fingers ready at the keyboard. So much to much to write. Topics race wildly through his mind, each fighting for the right to take their rightful place on the field of honor...the blog. Many will read the entries. Some will cry. Some will laugh. But one thing is certain...he must write, because he is...the Media Pastor.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Fresh Start

I am giving this blog a fresh start. Please view it at it's new addres:


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thunder Over Louisville Confession

Over the past week, I have been asked one question, over and over and over again.

"Did you like Thunder?"

For those who don't live in our beautiful city, Thunder Over Louisville is a massive fireworks display that takes place annually. It is allegedly the largest firworks display in the nation. Billions of people wedge themselves downtown and along the riverbank to view this amazing show. It is not only a point of pride for the city, but it almost borders on religious ritual for most who live here. Last Saturday was that day.

There is only one problem: I don't care about it.

Please don't misunderstand. I love that it's a huge event and gets great coverage (in fact, one of the local tv stations not only broadcast it, they also ran pre-firework and post-firework shows, as well as re-playing the entire event for those who attended, but would love to catch it again...and again.).

I love that my friends love it. I love that it brings visitors to the area.

I just don't love the fireworks. And I'm sorry.

The worst part? The looks of shock, disbelief and disappointment when people find out I didn't see the display. It is as if a scarlett letter was placed on my shirt.

So...I apologize for missing the big event....but, I did enjoy bowling on my new Wii.

Doesn't that count for something?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

What? Another Contest?

I'm in another one of my writing competitions right now, and I need people to read and rate the stories below. They're both really short, and I think really good!Help out a brother and give these a read! Thanks!

FanLib.comview author's profileview

FanLib.comview author's profileview

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Goonies Schmoonies!

My last post was about my prowess as a movie watcher.

I have recently been reminded, however, that my movie watching record cannot be recorded until I have viewed what some are calling the "must see" movie of the eighties.

The Goonies.
That's right...I have never seen the Goonies. Me and a monk on some Tibetian mountain top are the only two who have not witnessed the miracle of movie making that apparently is the Goonies.
When I announced the absence of this flick on my viewing history list, the gasps that erupted from the table were not only audible, but sharp. I was told, not in so many words, that until I viewed this "masterpiece," I could not comment on any movie.
So, not to fall in with the peer pressure crowd, I Tivo'd The Goonies last night. I plan to set aside 135 minutes in the next few days to watch this piece of fine movie making (135 minutes!?!?).

I usually only spend my time watching critically acclaimed movies and the finest television programs, so this will be a stretch for me.

Now, excuse me, there's a Star Trek marathon on the Sci-Fi Channel...

Friday, February 15, 2008

Who's Your Movie Watchin' Daddy?

The year was 1981. The hostages in Iran were freed as Ronald reagan took the oath. Pope John Paul II was wounded by a gunman. A little network called MTV graced our sets for the first time, and Pacman mania was at full speed. A horse named Pleasant Colony won a little race called the Kentucky Derby. And, the greatest movie that would ever grace the silver screen premiered, changing my movie viewing life forever.
Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Indian Jones did it the babes, whacked the bad guys, found the treasure, swung across ravines with his whip, whacked more bad guys, taught a little school, took on the Nazis, traveled across the sea on the outside of a submarine, faced a gazillion snakes, and whacked even more bad guys...all in 115 minutes.

I first saw it at a drive in movie with my parents. The first feature was an all-time classic: Popeye, starring Robin Williams, and Shelley Duvall as the beautiful Olive Oyle. I believe it was overlooked at the Academy Awards for political reasons. (I jest. I hate that movie.)

After filling my belly with snuck in snacks ("frugal" parents...instead of movie popcorn, I got generic pretzels...) , the screen lit up with the opening moments of this classic. A non-descript man in a fedora walking thru the forest with some shirpas. What had I gotten myself into?

Oh, the impatience of a 16 year old. Had I waited another 5 minutes to pass judgement, I would have given it three thumbs up!
After that night, I saw the movie two more times at the Dayton Mall theater. Indoor theaters are always better than drive-ins (my Dad says it's because you can pick your own seat...then he laughs hysterically. Welcome to my childhood.). Then, after a several month run, it went away.

But then, a wonderful thing happened. The Dabel Theater, a couple blocks from my house, began running something new...second run features. For $1. And guess what the first movie shown was. RAIDERS! Oh...My...Gosh!

I saw that film 26 times while it ran there. 26 times. I even took my grandpa once to see it. He said it was too loud. I never took grandpa to another movie.

Why do I tell this story? No real reason, really. Just want to give you a glimpse of my childhood. None of that pesky excercise or playing outdoors for me...just alot of butt-n-the-seat movie goin'.

Oh yeah...the new Raiders movie comes out on May 22. The trailer is to the right. I got goose bumps just writing that.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Trademark, Shrademark!

A week ago, Lifepointe Church held it's second annual "Big Game" Party.

What the heck is a "Big Game" Party?

If we lived in Europe, it might be the World Cup (Soccer).

If we lived in a retirement home, it might be the Shuffleboard National Championship.

If we lived in France, it might be the National Surrender Championship (Yikes...did I just write that?)

We all know what it is...we're just not allowed to say it because the NFL has clamped down mightely with their trademark protection. It's the S*P*R Bowl. SEE!!!! They won't even let my computer type it!

All I know is this: I throw a frisbee, not a flying disc. I use a kleenex, not a tissue.

Those companies allow people to throw their trademarked name around without threat of lawsuit. But no, not the NFL. They threaten anyone using their term for the Big Game with legal action...he same organization that gets away with huge ticket prices, tv blackouts so fans that can't afford to buy those tickets can't even watch the games, and $3.00 bottles of water if you can afford the ticket in.

Come on, guys...try being a little fan friendly.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to jump in my Ca*il*ac, and go down to the 7*le*en for some Twi*ki*s.

Monday, January 21, 2008

A Political Thought...

I try to avoid bringing politics or strong nationalistic feelings into this blog, but I have just read one of the funniest things I've seen in months.

Iran is threatening to rethink their relationship with the Netherlands if one of their TV channels broadcasts a show which shines, as they call it, "Insulting views of the Holy Koran" which was produced by one of its politicians.

Okay...let me start with this: I condone insulting anyone's "holy book" about as much as I would someone doing it to my Bible.

That being said....

This is the same country that, just last year, hosted a national art exhibit that called the holocaust a lie.

This is the same country whose president, Akmadijamdijadimaidjadiadad, at a speech at Columbia University, said that there was not a "homosexual problem" in Iran...only days before videos and reports of beatings and tortures of Iranian homosexuals emerged.

This is the same country whose government and religious leadership (which, by the way, are interchangeable) have cried out for the total destruction of Israel and the U.S.

My question is, what type of relationship does the Netherlands have with Iran which they would even care if they jeopordized over a question of freedom of speech?

Oh, yeah...oil....

Well, no one has seen the show yet. The producer has said it is a 10 minute film which is"a call to shake off the creeping tyranny of Islamicization, " so it probably does have a slant. I just hope that freedom in Europe can't be shut down for a price...

And, it is funny that a country like Iran can display all of the freedom of speech it wants, such as declaring that the slaughter of millions of Jews was a lie, but refuses to let anyone else enjoy the same freedom.

At least other Islamic countries are zooming headfirst into the future...Saudi Arabia declared this week that women can check into a hotel by themselves, without a guardian, for the first time. hooray for progress!