After a lengthy sabatical, he sits in front of his computer, fingers ready at the keyboard. So much to much to write. Topics race wildly through his mind, each fighting for the right to take their rightful place on the field of honor...the blog. Many will read the entries. Some will cry. Some will laugh. But one thing is certain...he must write, because he is...the Media Pastor.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Mother's Day Prep

Ahhh, Mom....the woman who was in labor for 312 hours with me (I'm not sure, but I think the time increases every time I hear the story).

As I prepare for this week's special Moms Day Service, I think back to my own childhood with my Mom. All the sacrifices she made...the times she gave up her share of the apple pie when there wasn't enough. The time she didn't take seconds on the Chef Boy Ardee spaghetti night. The time she let me have the last piece of chicken out of the Colonels bucket.

Wait a minute...I sense a trend here. Is this why I'm 10 - 15 pounds overweight? (Awkward laughter inserted here).

Seriously, If there were tough times growing up, i don't really remember them. When I think of Mom, I think of an awful lot of great times. The band aids on cuts. The kind words and soup when I was sick. The positive affirmations, even when life just handed me a bushel of lemons, and I lost the recipe for lemonade. And I hope that's what every else thinks of this week. The great times.

Thanks Mom.