After a lengthy sabatical, he sits in front of his computer, fingers ready at the keyboard. So much to much to write. Topics race wildly through his mind, each fighting for the right to take their rightful place on the field of honor...the blog. Many will read the entries. Some will cry. Some will laugh. But one thing is certain...he must write, because he is...the Media Pastor.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

It'll Come Back...

In high school, one of my favorite people was our football coach/health teacher, Coach Spoerl. Coach would wear ties that were wider than his body (remember, this was the early 80's). His reply to our muffled laughs was always the same: "I bought my ties in the 50's, and every 8 or 9 years they keep comin' back in style. Never throw anything away...they always come back."

I generally don't get rid of clothes. I'd like to say it's due to Coach's sage advice...however, I'm sure it's do more to my cheapness. There are many times when my entire outfit on any given day was bought for $20 or less...including shoes! (Much to the chagrin of Jamey).

Flash forward 25 years. I'm sitting in a movie theater yesterday, watching the new movie Transformers. It was cool! Action, things gettin' blowed up, pretty women, and some laughs. it had it all! Then, as if i was in the flashback sequence of a Kung Fu episode, I heard my menor from the past say, "Don't throw things away...they always come back!"

Man! He was right! I was watching Transformer shows 25 years ago! All things do go round! That this movie is as popular as it is tells me several things: 1) People love retro, 2) I grew up in the coolest era in history, 3) Cars that turn into robots and destroy stuff are awesome!

There is one drawback to everything coming back: Three's Company The Movie.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th!

Happy July 4th!

I would just like for everyone, on this day, to think about how cool it is to live in this country. And, don't forget to thank the men and women for our freedom...the soldiers and vets!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Capitalism Rules!

I love Capitalism!

There. I said it. I believe that anyone should be able to make as much money as they possibly can (as long as it's not made in an ill-gotten fashion). I love money! Ithink it's a cool thing to fact, to quote Zig Zigler, "Money ain't everything, but it's right up there with oxygen!"

My only problem...I ain't got none!

But that's okay. We're in America, and I believe anyone in this nation can overcome any obstacle. It's the greatest nation in the world!

Why this topic? Well, I just saw a headline that said Bill Gates has just been knocked out of first place on the world's richest person list. And guess what? I felt sorry for him. Yes, you heard right. He has my pity.

Bill's (and I think I can call him Bill) estimated worth is only $59 billion dolloars. The new 1st place winner is at $67 billion. My initial reaction is: What can I do to help Bill get back in 1st?

Why the fervor for Bill's title? The new guy is not American. I guess my strong national pride wants us to have the richest dude! Is that weird? We're #1!

Maybe if I go out and buy the update for Windows might help put Bill back on top. But, that takes me back to my originial issue with money...I ain't got none!

Monday, July 2, 2007


As I compete furiously for a Star Trek-based contest, one glaring question pops into my head: Why does liking Star Trek make me a nerd?

For as long as I can remember, I could carry on a normal conversation with someone, including the ladies, and be somewhat captivating. Then, if I would let out with a reference to the greatest television show ever...Star Trek...the same thing would always happen: The other person would give a subtle eye roll, a slight smirk, and claim that they just remembered they had something else they had to do. This was okay...except for the times I was in the middle of a date!

Why can you be a Patriots or Yankees fan, a fan of any of the new Pop music stars, a fan of a great historical figure, or a fan of a brand of ice cream....and never be considered a social outcast. But, just quote Captain Picard once, or translate one piece of important literature into Klingon, and you are now a social outcast! Why?!?

Well, I need to go. There's a three day Trekkie marathon starting and my Romulan popcorn is done.