After a lengthy sabatical, he sits in front of his computer, fingers ready at the keyboard. So much to much to write. Topics race wildly through his mind, each fighting for the right to take their rightful place on the field of honor...the blog. Many will read the entries. Some will cry. Some will laugh. But one thing is certain...he must write, because he is...the Media Pastor.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Goonies Schmoonies!

My last post was about my prowess as a movie watcher.

I have recently been reminded, however, that my movie watching record cannot be recorded until I have viewed what some are calling the "must see" movie of the eighties.

The Goonies.
That's right...I have never seen the Goonies. Me and a monk on some Tibetian mountain top are the only two who have not witnessed the miracle of movie making that apparently is the Goonies.
When I announced the absence of this flick on my viewing history list, the gasps that erupted from the table were not only audible, but sharp. I was told, not in so many words, that until I viewed this "masterpiece," I could not comment on any movie.
So, not to fall in with the peer pressure crowd, I Tivo'd The Goonies last night. I plan to set aside 135 minutes in the next few days to watch this piece of fine movie making (135 minutes!?!?).

I usually only spend my time watching critically acclaimed movies and the finest television programs, so this will be a stretch for me.

Now, excuse me, there's a Star Trek marathon on the Sci-Fi Channel...